beta分布期望_您对Windows 7 Beta的期望
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If you haven’t already heard, the Windows 7 Public Beta is , and anybody that registers from now until January 24th will receive a temporary license key for the Beta 1 version. Today we’ll run through the features and what you should expect.

如果您还没有听说过,则Windows 7 Public Beta,并且从即日起至1月24日注册的任何人都将收到Beta 1版本的临时许可证密钥。 今天,我们将介绍这些功能以及您应该期望的内容。

I’ve been using the beta for a couple of weeks, and yesterday I got my hands on the official Beta 1 release, which is good enough to use on a regular basis if it wasn’t for the hard cut-off date… yes, the beta release has an expiration date on August 1st 2009, after which it will stop working.

我已经使用Beta数周了,昨天我接触了Beta 1的正式发行版,如果不是在严格的截止日期,它就可以定期使用,足以满足需要。 ,该Beta版本的有效日期为2009年8月1日,此后它将停止工作。

If you wanted to sum up Windows 7 in a few words: it’s Windows Vista with a few new features and almost all the annoyances and bugs removed… and a really shiny coat of paint. It’s impressive, so we’ll hop straight into the screenshots.

如果您想用几句话来概括Windows 7:它是Windows Vista,具有一些新功能,几乎消除了所有烦恼和错误……并具有真正的光泽。 令人印象深刻,因此我们将直接跳入屏幕截图。

The Screenshot Tour


The default desktop for Windows 7 is clean and simple, and like almost everything in this release, is really quite impressive.

Windows 7的默认桌面干净整洁,并且像此版本中的几乎所有内容一样,确实给人留下了深刻的印象。

Windows 7 Desktop

The first thing that you can’t miss is the new taskbar, which uses large icons instead of taskbar buttons and integrates Quick Launch functionality at the same time. You’ll notice in this screenshot that the Windows Media Player icon isn’t “active”, because I don’t have an instance open…  but it’s been Pinned to the taskbar.

您不能错过的第一件事是新的任务栏,它使用大图标而不是任务栏按钮,并且同时集成了快速启动功能。 您会在此屏幕截图中注意到Windows Media Player图标未处于“活动状态”,因为我没有打开实例…但是它已固定在任务栏上。

Windows 7 Taskbar Previews

The popup preview thumbnails have been enhanced to show multiple windows side by side, which is much more useful than the Vista way, especially since Windows 7 combines windows by default: even if you have only two windows open, they will be combined into a single taskbar button.

弹出预览缩略图已得到增强,可以并排显示多个窗口,这比Vista方式要有用得多,尤其是因为Windows 7默认情况下会合并多个窗口:即使您只打开两个窗口,它们也将合并为一个窗口任务栏按钮。

When hovering over one of the previews, Windows 7 will automatically flip to that window so you can see in a larger view which window it is. Very useful for Word documents, I think.

将鼠标悬停在其中一个预览上时,Windows 7会自动翻转到该窗口,因此您可以在更大的视图中看到它是哪个窗口。 我认为对于Word文档非常有用。

Windows 7 Hover Previews

The new taskbar buttons also have a new right-click menu, which gives you access to special folders or recent documents. There’s a new API that allows applications to add items to this list, so expect in the future for this to become a big deal.

新的任务栏按钮还具有一个新的右键单击菜单,使您可以访问特殊文件夹或最新文档。 有一个新的API,允许应用程序将项目添加到此列表中,因此,希望将来会成为一件大事。

Windows 7 Jump List

If you don’t like the taskbar functionality, you can revert back to the Windows Vista method by opening up Taskbar and Start Menu Properties (right click \ Properties). The “Taskbar buttons” setting will let you turn off the single icon mode, and you can choose “Use small icons” to turn off the big icons.

如果您不喜欢任务栏功能,则可以通过打开任务栏和“开始”菜单属性(右键单击\属性)来恢复到Windows Vista方法。 “任务栏按钮”设置将使您可以关闭单个图标模式,并且可以选择“使用小图标”来关闭大图标。

Windows 7 Taskbar Properties

The next thing you might notice is that there is no longer a “Sidebar” for the Gadgets… you’ll have to right-click on the desktop and choose Gadgets to add more, which can be dragged to the desktop anywhere you’d like. You’ll also notice you can get quick access to your resolution from here.

您可能会注意到的下一件事是,该小工具不再具有“侧边栏”……您必须右键单击桌面,然后选择“小工具”以添加更多内容,然后可以将其拖动到桌面上的任何位置。 。 您还会注意到,您可以从此处快速访问您的分辨率。

Windows 7 Desktop Context Menu

If you want to dock the gadgets to the side like you used to, you still can: If you drag the desktops to the side of the screen, they will dock there:


Windows 7 Sidebar

The Start Menu is roughly the same as before, although you’ll notice the Shut Down button is much simpler, and can be configured to a different action right in the Taskbar and Start menu properties screen.


Windows 7 Start Menu

You’ll notice the arrow next to Getting Started… whenever you see an arrow on a pinned item, you can hover over it to see a list of tasks on the right-hand side, with a rather fun “slide out” effect that I can’t really show in a screenshot.


In fact, it’s tough to show off the real “slickness” of the UI in these screenshots… you have to try it for yourself to understand: things are just smooth.


Windows 7 Start Menu Tasks

When you search, the taskbar “morphs” into a full-size search screen – a huge improvement from Vista, and the search results are pretty good, although still not perfect.


Windows 7 Start Menu Search

Another really slick new feature lets you maximize or tile windows by dragging them to one of the sides of the screen… for instance, you drag the current window to the left side of the screen and you’ll see a glass window effect…


Windows 7 Tile Window Left

And once you let go of the mouse, the window will take up exactly half of the screen. Very useful for tiling windows.

放开鼠标后,窗口将恰好占据屏幕的一半。 平铺窗口非常有用。

Windows 7 Tiled Left Window

This also works for maximizing by dragging to the top of the screen… letting go of the mouse at this point would maximize the current window:


Windows 7 Maximize Window

This also works if you drag a window corner to one of the edges of the screen, Windows 7 will let you make the window fill the whole space from top to bottom.

如果将窗口角拖动到屏幕边缘之一,这也将起作用,Windows 7将使您使窗口从上到下填充整个空间。

Windows 7 Window Docking to Screen

You might have noticed a little unused area on the taskbar right next to the clock… this is the new “Show Desktop” icon, with an added twist: if you hover your mouse over it, it will turn all of the open windows to glass, letting you see what is beneath. This would maybe be useful if you have desktop gadgets on the screen, or just want to see your wallpaper.

您可能已经注意到时钟旁边任务栏上有一个未使用的区域……这是新的“显示桌面”图标,带有一个额外的变化:如果将鼠标悬停在它上面,它将把所有打开的窗口变成玻璃,让您看到下面的内容。 如果屏幕上有桌面小工具,或者只是想看墙纸,这可能会很有用。

Windows 7 Aero Peek

The system tray is also changed, with all extra icons being hidden behind a little arrow. You’ll also note that the current date is shown on the screen now, since the taskbar is taller.

系统托盘也已更改,所有其他图标都隐藏在一个小箭头后面。 您还会注意到,由于任务栏较高,因此当前日期会立即显示在屏幕上。

Windows 7 Safely Remove

One of the default items is important: the Action Center icon now consolidates all of the Windows Security error or notification messages into a single icon…


Windows 7 Action Center Icon

And even better, you get to choose which errors you want to hear about, and which ones you don’t. HUGE improvement over Vista.

甚至更好的是,您可以选择要听到的错误以及不希望听到的错误。 与Vista相比有了巨大的改进。

Windows 7 Device Driver Game Port Balloon

By clicking on the wrench icon you can choose which notifications appear on the taskbar:


Windows 7 Icons and Notifications

You can also change which security messages show up:


Windows 7 Action Center Messages on or off

The Action Center is your new “hub” to review all of the messages and notifications… more on that in a future article, but one of the biggest changes in Windows 7 is hidden behind it… click on the User Account Control settings:

“操作中心”是您查看所有消息和通知的新“枢纽”……在以后的文章中将对此进行更多介绍,但是Windows 7的最大变化之一就是隐藏在其中……单击“用户帐户控制”设置:

Windows 7 Action Center

And you’ll see a new “Slider”, which lets you change the amount of UAC notifications, and by default UAC is nearly disabled for users with administrative rights. The only time you will see UAC messages is during a new application install.

而且,您将看到一个新的“滑块”,它使您可以更改UAC通知的数量,并且默认情况下,具有管理权限的用户几乎禁用了UAC。 在新的应用程序安装期间,您唯一会看到UAC消息。

Windows 7 UAC Slider

Continuing through the Control Panel, there is a completely new panel for customizing your desktop using themes, with easy access to all the relevant settings from a single window.


Windows 7 Theme Chooser

Many of the windows that used to be separate dialogs are now integrated directly into the regular Control Panel, like this one for changing your display appearance:


Windows 7 Display Properties

A smaller thing to note… the Windows Experience score maximum has been increased to 7.9 instead of 5.9 in Vista.

需要注意的一点是……Windows Experience最高分数已从Vista中的5.9提高到7.9。

Windows 7 Experience Score

One important thing to note is that when you go to your user folder, you will see a bunch of “Libraries”, which are essentially search folders banded together so you can find all your pictures, documents, or music in a single place. This feature is quite useful, but is going to take some time to get used to.

需要注意的重要一件事是,当您转到用户文件夹时,会看到一堆“库”,它们实际上是捆绑在一起的搜索文件夹,因此您可以在一个地方找到所有图片,文档或音乐。 此功能非常有用,但要花一些时间才能习惯。

Windows 7 Libraries

You’ll notice in the screenshot above there’s a new “Homegroup” item in the list, and yes, they’ve completely revamped network sharing in Windows 7 with a much simpler interface that we’ll cover in future articles.

您会在上面的屏幕截图中注意到,列表中有一个新的“家庭组”项目,是的,它们已经以更简单的界面完全改进了Windows 7中的网络共享,我们将在以后的文章中介绍。

Other Features


There’s a whole bunch of other features in Windows 7 that we don’t really have time to cover today…

Windows 7中还有很多其他功能,我们今天真的没有时间讨论……

  • New Calculator.

  • Internet Explorer 8 is integrated by default.

    默认情况下,Internet Explorer 8是集成的。
  • XPS Viewer integrated.

    集成了XPS Viewer。
  • New versions of Paint and Wordpad with the “Ribbon” interface.

    具有“ Ribbon”界面的新版本的Paint和Wordpad。
  • Revamped Windows Backup.

  • New “Home Groups” for sharing files and folders.

  • New, easier Wireless connections tray icon.

  • Media Center is Updated with new features.

    Media Center已更新,具有新功能。
  • Faster bootup and installation times.

  • Other stuff.


The other thing to note is that Windows Mail, Calendar, Photo Gallery, Movie Maker and Contacts have been removed from Windows 7 and are now part of the downloadable .

要注意的另一件事是Windows Mail,日历,照片库,Movie Maker和Contacts已从Windows 7中删除,现在已成为可下载的。

Installing Windows 7

安装Windows 7

I realize it’s illogical, but now we’ll skip to installing it (the other screenshots were more interesting). The startup installation screen is pretty familiar looking…

我意识到这是不合逻辑的,但是现在我们跳过安装(其他屏幕截图更有趣)。 启动安装屏幕看起来很熟悉...

Windows 7 Install Screen

Should I Install Windows 7?

我应该安装Windows 7吗?

If you don’t mind the fact that it will stop working on August 1st, Windows 7 beta 1 is very stable and usable.

如果您不介意它将在8月1日停止工作的事实,则Windows 7 beta 1非常稳定且可用。

Do I Need a License?


Windows 7 works just like Windows Vista did… you can install it and run it in “Trial mode” for 30 days. Yes, this does mean that you can borrow the disc from a friend, or download it “illegally” and use it, at least for a trial period. (I’m not advocating piracy here).

Windows 7的工作方式与Windows Vista一样……您可以安装它并在“试用模式”下运行30天。 是的,这确实意味着您至少可以在试用期内向朋友借用该光盘,或者“非法”下载它并使用它。 (我这里不提倡盗版)。

It’s Only a Download?


That’s right, you will need to download the ISO image file and then burn it to a DVD in order to do an installation… I recommend .

没错,您需要下载ISO映像文件,然后将其刻录到DVD以进行安装……我建议使用 。

What About Drivers?


Windows 7 uses the exact same drivers as Windows Vista, and by this point the majority of devices have drivers. You most likely won’t even need to install drivers, since Windows 7 has a lot more drivers included by default.

Windows 7使用与Windows Vista完全相同的驱动程序,并且到目前为止,大多数设备都具有驱动程序。 您极有可能甚至不需要安装驱动程序,因为Windows 7默认包含更多的驱动程序。

Important Installation Notes


When you get to the screen which recommends upgrading vs custom installation, I would recommend installing a new installation into a completely blank partition. If you want to test it on the same machine as Vista, you should dual-boot. I would recommend against using the upgrade feature unless you are very brave (also note that it only supports upgrading from Vista SP1)

当您到达建议升级与自定义安装的屏幕时,我建议将新安装安装到完全空白的分区中。 如果要在与Vista相同的计算机上进行测试,则应双重引导。 我建议不要使用升级功能,除非您非常勇敢(还请注意,它仅支持从Vista SP1升级)

If you don’t have a second hard drive or partition already, you can use the . If that doesn’t work, you can as well. If none of that works, you can .

如果您还没有第二个硬盘驱动器或分区,则可以使用的“。 如果这不起作用,您也可以。 如果这些都,则可以。

Windows 7 Install Choose Type

Once it installs (which doesn’t take that long), you’ll be prompted for a computer name and user name:


Windows 7 Choose Account

You’ll be prompted for what your default homegroup settings are (personally I’d probably turn most of them off, but I’m security-conscious). Make sure to write down this homegroup password and save it somewhere!

系统将提示您输入默认的家庭组设置(就我个人而言,我可能会关闭其中的大多数设置,但我对安全性很敏感)。 确保写下此家庭组密码并将其保存在某个地方!

Windows 7 Homegroup Setup

From this point you will be able to get to your desktop, and start actually using Windows 7.

从这一点开始,您将可以进入桌面并开始实际使用Windows 7。

Windows 7 Bug

Windows 7错误

There is a known bug in Windows 7 that will potentially damage some mp3 files if you load them into Windows Media Player. You’ll want to make sure to install this patch, or turn on automatic updates once you have Windows 7 installed… it should update automatically.

如果您将某些mp3文件加载到Windows Media Player中,则Windows 7中存在一个已知的错误可能会损坏某些mp3文件。 您需要确保安装此修补程序,或者在安装Windows 7后打开自动更新…它应该自动更新。

For more information and the download links check out .


What Should We Cover?


One of my recent articles asked what exactly we should cover in 2009, and Windows 7 is definitely going to be on that list. The question is: What do YOU want to see about Windows 7? What is the most important topic when it comes to learning a new operating system?

我最近的一篇文章问我们在2009年应该涵盖哪些内容,Windows 7肯定会出现在该列表中。 问题是:关于Windows 7,您希望看到什么? 学习新操作系统时最重要的主题是什么?

Leave your thoughts in the comments, and we’ll try our best to cover that topic in a future article. (If you are reading through RSS or Email )

将您的想法留在评论中,我们将尽力在以后的文章中介绍该主题。 (如果您正在阅读RSS或电子邮件,)




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